About Cascade Settlement Services

Cascade Settlement Services, based in San Francisco, California was founded in March 2008. Cascade has a current leadership team of professionals with diverse experience in financial services.

Cascade's founders are David Levy, John Chilcott and William Hare, who have substantial experience in purchasing and filing for class action claims. Prior to founding Cascade, Levy co-founded two class action settlement filing companies, first in the Microsoft case (2003-2004), and later in the Visa/MasterCard Antitrust Litigation ("VMC Case"), from 2005-2008. These efforts produced approximately $250 million in client awards.

From 2008 to 2009, Cascade was a leading provider of claims monetization services in the VMC case, which was the largest commercial class action settlement in U.S. history. Cascade monetized over 850 claims from the VMC case.

In mid-2009, Cascade expanded on its success in the commercial settlement arena by extending its services to securities class action settlements. Prior to Cascade's entry into the marketplace, the opportunity for clients to monetize securities settlement claims was not readily available, due to the difficulty of valuing these claims and the future cash flows they represented.

Accordingly, Cascade contracted one of the nation's premier econometric analytics firms to build a model that could predict the payment characteristics of a diverse portfolio of securities class action claims. This model is unique in the claims services industry. This partnership with premier analytics and filing services enables Cascade to offer clients a unique suite of services, including claims filing and monetization.

Cascade's services generate revenue from five sources. We provide two core services: claims filing and claims monetization. We offer these services to two target markets: both solvent and insolvent institutional investors and corporations. Moreover, we offer these services for two types of class action settlement: securities and commercial. Last, in the course of marketing these services, we occasionally uncover other assets of a legal nature that our clients would like to monetize.

Cascade's current leadership team includes the following individuals

David Levy, co-founder of Cascade, is chairman of On the T Capital and was previously a partner in the Tennyson West investment banking firm. He was a founding partner in two prior companies to file claims on behalf of class members, in both the Visa/MasterCard and Microsoft (California) settlements. Levy is a graduate of George Washington University.

John Chilcott, co-founder of Cascade, founded and operated John Chilcott & Associates (JCA), an advertising and marketing services firm, and created campaigns for a wide variety of Fortune 500 clients of JCA, BBDO, and Saatchi & Saatchi. A former journalist, he has also been a partner and investor in financial services and real estate development. Chilcott attended Stanford University.

William Hare, co-founder of Cascade, has 23 years' experience in the financial services industry. Prior to joining Cascade, he worked for Citicorp and for CIBC World Markets, where he was Managing Director in charge of originating asset-backed transactions for major U.S. corporations. Hare attended Stanford University.

Richard Moseley, General Manager and CFO, has 25 years' experience in the financial services industry. He is co-founder of Doxentric, LLC, which delivers enterprise information management solutions. Prior to that, he served in CIO and COO roles at public and private companies. Moseley started his career as a management consultant for Monitor Group. Moseley is a graduate of Brown University and holds an MBA from Stanford University.

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