Settlement Filing
Settlements are governed by complex plans of allocation detailing the eligibility of a business based on a variety of types of trades (i.e., stock, bond, options, etc.) or historical financial data. To determine eligibility across the entire range of settlements requires analyzing many thousands of trades dating back over a decade, along with historical financial data. Moreover, every year, several hundred new cases are settled.
The challenge is that the monitoring and filing process is complicated and lengthy. In order to recover payments, one must file separate claims for each settlement, supported by substantial documentation.
It is burdensome for in-house personnel, or even outside counsel, to develop the expertise and manage the massive data requirements for properly filing all claims. There is no public centralized resource that notifies claimants of the status of the numerous settlements. Also, notification procedures for new cases are porous and incomplete. It is very easy to miss cases altogether and, in the process, fail to collect substantial awards. For most fiduciaries, claims management is not a core expertise or even a priority service. Given this complexity, it is no wonder that less than 30% of institutional investors file for the claims they are due. Other settlement holders may file for an even lower percentage of claims for these available assets.
Maximize Claims Awards by Outsourcing
The Cascade Solution is a comprehensive suite of claims services, including monitoring, filing, collecting and monetizing claims for class action settlements. Cascade utilizes advanced databases that automatically track hundreds of thousands of historical trades and other financial data, and compare that information to the plans of allocation of hundreds of active class action settlements. Unlike claims filing services that focus on one type of settlement or a small number of settlements, Cascade can manage all of a client's claims through proprietary modeling and services, thus enabling clients to offload their settlement activity entirely.
Cascade's filing service includes identifying, analyzing, documenting, and submitting claims on our clients' behalf, as well as validating the eventual award, and challenging, negotiating and resolving with the claims administrator any disputed claims or award amounts. This enables eligible claimants to meet their fiduciary obligation to not only file a claim for an estate but to maximize their award recovery.
Notice Regarding the Payment Card Interchange Fee Settlement In re Payment Card Interchange Fee and Merchant Discount Antitrust Litigation MDL No. 1720 The lawsuit, In re Payment Card Interchange Fee Antitrust Litigation, alleges that Visa® and MasterCard® fixed interchange fees at anti-competitive levels in violation of US antitrust law. Plaintiffs in the Rule 23(b)(3) Class (Money Damages Class) have reached a proposed settlement in this action. Materials reflecting this proposed settlement were filed September 18, 2018 with the Court. No claim forms are available at this time, and no claim-filing deadline exists. If the settlement is approved, no-cost assistance will be available from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during any claims-filing period. No one is required to sign up with any third-party service in order to participate in any settlement. For additional information regarding the status of the litigation, interested persons may visit www.paymentcardsettlement.com, the Court-approved website for this case. .
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